Bye-Bye, By: Bhai
A story like no other…
The mind-bending, will and persistence of a young man that leads him to the depths of difficulties that can only build a boy into a man – a true story, nonetheless. Bye-Bye, By: Bhai is an adventure of unfortunate events that make you turn to the next page whether you like it or not.
“His jaw-dropping experiences will leave you wondering ‘What’s Next’ every time you turn the page…” ~ Sean – Salt Lake City, Utah
“His jaw-dropping experiences will leave you wondering ‘What’s Next’ every time you turn the page…” ~ Sean – Salt Lake City, Utah
“Always a plot twist.” ~ Raul – Salt Lake City, Utah
“Always a plot twist.” ~ Raul – Salt Lake City, Utah
“I don’t know how to explain it… I just couldn’t stop myself from reading it. The cliffhangers never stopped!” ~ Annette – Miami, Florida
“I don’t know how to explain it… I just couldn’t stop myself from reading it. The cliffhangers never stopped!” ~ Annette – Miami, Florida